The story behind Proveo

Proveo Automation is an Information Technology (IT) Automation consulting firm specializing in developing Automated, Intelligent, and Scalable solutions for Federal and Commercial customers.

8(a) Certified
Founded in 2019
Amazing team members
AI Use Cases

Our Mission

We believe that the future of work is a harmony between humans and machines, each using their strengths to achieve greater heights.
Many of the tasks we perform today are not best suited for us. These tasks are often tedious and repetitive, draining our energy and increasing stress as we “work harder” to keep up. This decreases our performance and even our overall health.
Machines, on the other hand, can handle large quantities of tasks, get smarter with higher demands, are exceptional at repetitive and well-defined work, and can work around the clock… all at a substantial cost saving.
Now, before you say, “Are you trying to replace us? Automate our jobs?” No. We are trying to free you. We were not meant to sit at a desk and click buttons for hours on end.
We were meant to create, innovate, solve complex problems, experience, share, build relationships, build trust, impact others, and ultimately make a difference in the world.
You know your business, and we understand how to automate; let’s talk and build a better enterprise together.